Profit. Ability.

Client Case Study

310 Clinical Research Inc.

Case Study Los Angeles | 310 Clinical Research Inc.

310 Clinical Research Inc., located in Inglewood, California, operates a performance-plus research site for Phase II-V clinical studies. With a team of diverse and qualified investigators specializing in various medical fields, they are dedicated to conducting high-quality clinical trials.

Need Clinical Trial Volunteers?


The primary objective of 310 Clinical Research Inc. was to launch a new clinical trial clinic in Los Angeles, attract sponsors and Contract Research Organizations (CROs) to secure clinical studies, and engage study volunteers for upcoming trials in the competitive Los Angeles area.


310 Clinical Research, Inc. understands the importance of compelling brand identity and clear messaging to resonate with sponsors, CROs, and study volunteers. To achieve this, they collaborated with us at Navazon, a leading marketing agency with a proven track record in the clinical trial industry. Together, we developed a comprehensive marketing strategy that included the following components:
• Comprehensive Market Analysis (CMA) to identify market trends and opportunities.
• Branding and logo design to establish a strong visual identity.
• Compelling copywriting to effectively communicate our mission and services.
• Website design and optimization (SEO/SEM) to enhance online visibility.
• Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns to drive targeted traffic.
• Local directory listings to maximize local exposure.
• Landing page design to capture potential participant information.
• Social media engagement to foster community and promote trials.
• Videography and photography services to showcase their facilities and capabilities.

Logo design Digital Marketing Agency

Logo Design

Website Design Digital Marketing Agency

Website Design

Copywriting Digital Marketing Agency

Copy Writing

Facebook Groups

Facebook Ad Campaigns

Print Materials Digital Marketing Agency

Google Ad Campaigns

Blogging Digital Marketing Agency


Social media presence Digital Marketing Agency

Social Media Posts

LinkedIn Groups

Lead Generation


To initiate the marketing process, our team at Navazon Digital executed the following steps:
• Designing a compelling logo that represents their brand values.
• Creating a user-friendly and informative website that showcases their expertise and ongoing trials.
• Developing collateral materials to effectively communicate their services to sponsors, CROs and referring physicians.
• Conducting professional photography and videography at their clinic to provide an authentic glimpse into our facilities and capabilities.
• Launching targeted online campaigns to attract study participants in the Los Angeles area, ensuring a diverse and engaged pool of potential volunteers.

  • Logo Design
  • Website Design
  • Facebook Ad Campaigns
  • Copy Writing
  • Social Media Posts
  • Google Ad Campaigns
  • Blogging
  • Lead Generation




The implemented marketing strategy by Navazon yielded significant results for 310 Clinical Research Inc. They attained top organic rankings for targeted keywords, enhancing online visibility and attained sponsors and study participants. They successfully attracted new clinical trial participants, resulting in a substantial expansion of the in-house participant database.